Medispa is an interest association of legal entities that try to maintain good reputation and quality of spa services within the territory of the Karlovy Vary Region.
It cooperates with all accredited spa organizations that provide a contributory as well as spa care, and they together concentrate on protection of balneology. Medispa supervises quality of provided services and promotes spa services. All members of Medispa Association utilize (both individually and jointly) their membership in marketing and promotion projects.
Aim of the Association
The Association is aimed at protecting quality and reputation of spa treatment care within the territory of the Karlovy Vary Region and its further development.
The aim of the Association is cooperation of accredited spa organizations providing both contributory and complete spa treatment care. The Association is aimed at supervision of services quality in the field of balneology within the territory of the Karlovy Vary Region, promotion of quality services and marketing utilization of membership in the Association, both individually and jointly, by members of the Association.
The Association’s Scope of Activities
- it associates accredited spa organizations that are legal entities
- it controls observance of membership terms and conditions
- it provides its members with legalization of their quality level in relation to the CIL MZ CR (Czech Spas and Springs Inspectorate at the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic), health insurance companies of the Czech Republic, health insurance companies of the European Union, travel agencies and individual persons interested in spa treatment
- it informs on qualitatively accredited spas on the authorities´ web sites, including the Karlovy Vary Region
- it prepares and realizes proposals of its members´ external marking (mark, logo etc.)
- it communicates with health insurance companies of the Czech Republic on the subject of observance of quality of spa medical care
- it specifies membership terms and conditions according to development of the CR and EU legislation
- it cooperates with the SLL CR (Union of the Health Resorts of the Czech Republic) and the SLM CR (Association of the Spa Places of the Czech Republic) and, both directly and implicitly, with the EHV (ESPA) (European Spas Association), the EU authority and other appropriate partners
- it organizes generally voluntary membership
Members of the Association are the organizations providing both contributory and complete spa treatment. As for the spa facilities providing complete spa care, members of the Association are legal entities meeting classification of accommodation facilities according to the official methodology of the NFHR ČR- HOREKA (National Federation of Hotels and Restaurants of the Czech Republic) in the standard of *** and higher ones. In the case of provision of gastronomic services it is necessary to follow HACCAP principles.
Members of the Association
The interest association of legal entities MEDISPA protects spa care quality and reputation within the territory of the Karlovy Vary Region and its further development.
Imperial Karlovy Vary a.s.
Alžbětiny Lázně, a .s. - Karlovy Vary
Léčebné lázně Jáchymov a.s.
Léčebné lázně Mariánské Lázně a. s.
Lázně Františkovy Lázně a.s.
Františkovy Lázně Imperial a.s.
Františkovy Lázně Aquaforum a.s.
MONTI SPA a.s. - Františkovy Lázně
Léčebné lázně Lázně Kynžvart
Správa přírodních léčivých zdrojů a kolonád, příspěvková organizace - Karlovy Vary